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Sunday, August 25, 2024

Caveman 1981


Starring: Ringo Starr

Adventures of a prehistoric man

What on Earth was Ringo Starr thinking about? Truly dreadful. Never even made me raise a smile. I very rarely give a 1, this was lucky to reach that!     1/10

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Queen Christina 1933

 Starring: Greta Garbo

The Queen of 17th-century Sweden, distressed at the thought of a political marriage, goes wandering through her country in men's clothes and falls in love with the new Spanish ambassador.

Garbo is brilliant, at times regal, at times far from it. Her masquerade in men's clothing is the most unconvincing thing I've ever seem, yet this has a real charm and you utterly believe her.   7/10

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Tobacco Road 1941


Starring: Charley Grapevine

Poor whites in Georgia are turned off their land.

Although this is lightened up and focusses on comedy, there is a real part of history lurking under the surface. Just how hard would it have been to scrape a living in the weather conditions weren't exactly right? Loved the singing, this had a certain charm.    6/10

Sunday, August 04, 2024

Whirlpool 1934


Starring: Jack Holt

A convict is released and makes contact with the daughter who never knew him.

Extremely short movie, kind of a nice idea but as ever, is extremely dated and the tension no longer comes through.    4/10