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Sunday, November 27, 2022

Beyond The Curtain. 1960


Starring: Richard Greene

A flying officer rescues a stewardess whose plane has been forced down in East Germany.

Iron curtain, spy thriller with Eva Bartok perfectly cast. Pretty decent thriller from beginning to end to be honest.    7/10

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Practically Yours 1944

Starring: Claudette Colbert

A war hero comes back after being supposed dead, and finds himself with a fiancee he never met.

Brilliant idea of a guy professing his love for his dog and it being mistaken for a woman of the same name, despite a great two leads, never held up to its promise. Very dated.     4/10

Sunday, November 13, 2022

Christmas On Ice 2020


Starring: Abigail Klein

A former figure skater and a former hockey player work together to void the mayor from closing the local skating rink.

A Hallmark style movie. Very easy on the eye, pleasant to watch without ever making me laugh. So many of this type of movie but this is better than many with a well cast, convincing small group of actors.  7/10

Sunday, November 06, 2022

Priest Of Love 1981


Starring: Ian McKellen

The last years of D.H.Lawrence, when his books were banned and he was seeking warmer climes to help his TB.

I'm not sure how true this characterisation was to the real Lawrence, but what an unpleasant man he came across as. Difficult to find any sympathy towards him despite this being an interesting movie.      6/10