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Sunday, July 26, 2020

Henry Aldrich Gets Glamour. 1943

Starring: Jimmy Lydon

Henry Aldrich becomes the most sought after guy in town when he wins a date with a movie star.

Easy going movie with a genuine charm. Part of a series of about 10 movies and intended for second feature release, this had an innocence and gentle humour that puts a smile on your face.  

Sunday, July 19, 2020

The Apple Dumpling Gang. 1974

Starring: Bill Bixby

Three orphan children strike gold in 1878 California

This is how I remember movies when I was young. Hapless villains, a funny sheriff and jaunty banjo music. All great fun with Harry Morgan absolutely stealing the show for me.      7/10

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Reaching For The Moon. 1931

Starring: Douglas Fairbanks

On a transatlantic liner, a new cocktail has a sensational effect on a mild-mannered hero.

Considering its age, this is impressive but it has not stood the test of time and is just plain irritating apart from Fairbanks impressive acrobatics.        3/10

Sunday, July 05, 2020

The Baroness And The Butler. 1938

Starring: William Powell

The Hungarian prime minister's butler is loved by a princess.

The prime minister's butler runs for parliament for the opposition, gets elected and yet still serves the prime minister. Original plot that allowed some nice, light hearted moments. An enjoyable movie, my only issue is why cast William Powell who looks American, sounds American and indeed, is American as a Hungarian and yet the princess was played with an accent.         7/10