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Sunday, August 28, 2016

Yes sir, that's my baby 1949

Starring: Donald O'Connor

Ex-service undergraduates and their wives have trouble settling down to studies.

A poor man's Three men and a  baby. Light comedy and oddly, about 25 minutes in, the two leads sang a song, this was followed about 5 minutes later by a full production number. The American football scenes were less than convincing but this did make me smile a few times and laugh on one occasion. Sad to see that Gloria De Haven had recently passed away.     5/10

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Over The Top 1987

Starring: Sylvester Stallone

An arm wrestler tries to win the love of his son.

As a father/son bonding movie, I didn't think this was bad and Stallone showed an extra dimension to some of his other roles. The inevitable arm wrestling show at the end was predictable and less than interesting but not the worst Stallone movie I've ever seen.    7/10