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Sunday, July 19, 2015

South American George 1941

Starring: George Formby

An unsuccessful singer poses as a South American opera star.

Forget the plot, which is mediocre and forget the villains who are just plain irritating, just sit back and wait for the four brilliant songs that George Formby delivers in his traditional style. There really has never been anyone like him!    6/10

Sunday, July 12, 2015

The Thief of Baghdad 1960

Starring: Steve Reeves

A very moderate remake in the form of an action star vehicle

Just never got into this. Poor acting with people who didn't even look vaguely Arabian and poor special effects and weird fantasy scenes.  Below average.        2/10

Sunday, July 05, 2015

Eight O'clock walk 1953

Starring: Richard Attenborough

A young barrister proves a taxi driver innocent of murder.

Quite disturbing in its subject matter although all too familiar in this day and age. Really well done with all the characters having little sub-plots that brought home their reality. Absolutely gripping and even though yo knew he was innocent, you started questioning what you thought was true.     9/10