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Sunday, December 28, 2014

Three husbands 1950

Starring: Emlyn Williams

Three husbands receive letters from a dead friend claiming that he had affairs with each of their wives.

I'm having a bad run of Sunday movies at the moment. Loved the idea of this one, the beginning was good, the ending was excellent, but everything inbetween was just dull chatter, no light or shade and not funny. Such a shame.                         3/10

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Romance of a Horse thief 1971

Starring: Yul Bruyner

In a Polish village in 1904 there is dismay when horses are commandeered by Cossacks for service in the Russo-Japanese war.

Yul Bruyner is right up there for me as an actor, genuine screen presence and always puts in a watchable performance. No change here, although he is under-used. Sorry to say that I found the movie a complete bore, an unintersting plot which was neither interesting, dramatic or funny. Don't waste your time with this one.         2/10

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Pony soldier 1952

Starring: Tyrone Power

The Mounties settle the hash of Canadian Indian renegades who have been causing trouble on the American border.

Seemingly pretty much made on the cheap, this is mostly set in an Indian settlement  and I didn't find it the most interesting. All a bit formula and nothing memorable.         3/10

Sunday, December 07, 2014

Ernest saves Christmas 1988

Starring:  Jim Varney

Santa Claus goes to America to find someone to take over his job.

There seem to be more Christmas movies around this year than ever before so I jumped on the band wagon to watch this one. It had some lovely moment sbut also others that didn't work. I found that Jim Varney massively overacted to such an extent that I never once even raied a smile whilst watching him. On the other hand, Santa Claus and the guy he attempts to recruit gave beautiful straight, underplayed performances which were a delight. Close to being really good but not quite....                                                                                                                           6/10