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Sunday, September 28, 2014

Charade 1963

Starring: Cary Grant

A Parisienne finds her husband murdered, four strange men are after her, and she is helped by a handsome stranger....But is he hero, spy or murderer?

Such a great cast, I was expecting great things. Sadly, I was disappointed. Okay, I could sit and watch Audrey Hepburn all day long, but the plot never caught my imagination, the characters were uninteresting and I'm afraid the whole thing dragged on way too long.      4/10

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Meet Dr Christian 1939

Starring:  Jean Hersholt

A dedicated small-town doctor has no concern for financial reward.

A likeable movie set in a small-town community that turned into a short series of films. Until the last 10 minutes, it was all much ado about nothing and the drama at the end was hardly edge of the seat stuff. But it was easy viewing and I found myself at the end, wanting to watch more from the series.     6/10

Sunday, September 14, 2014

The Man behind the gun 1952

Starring: Randolph Scott

A cavalry officer is sent to quell a rebellion and helps to found Los Angeles.

Standard civil war drama, not great acting and the plot is a little confused. But every now and then there are surprising moments of comedy or action that are completely unexpected and make you raise an eyebrow. Interesting for that reason alone.       4/10