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Sunday, March 30, 2014

He walked by night 1948

Starring: Richard Basehart

A burglar becomes a cop-killer and is hunted down by the police.

A little like Criminal minds from the 1940's. Some of the police profiling was interesting, the movie zipped along at a good pace with a convincing villain. Also interesting to see the climax down the LA storm drain tunnels. Quite a good little thriller.             8/10


Sunday, March 23, 2014

Son of Kong 1933

Starring: Robert Armstrong

After Kong has wrecked New York, producer Carl Denham flies from his creditors and finds more monsters on the old island.

The inevitable sequel. Not up to the original, but it is short and quite a laugh with the monster not bad for its day.                    4/10

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Night of the juggler 1980

Starring: James Brolin

A new Yorker relentlessly pursues the kidnapper of his daughter.

Certainly never boring, the pace and action never ease and James Brolin's character must have the stamina of a marathon runner. Not a great advert for New York, apart from a couple of exceptions, I wouldn't want to spend more than 10 seconds in the company of any of the characters major or minor from this movie.                                     7/10

Sunday, March 09, 2014

Bird of paradise 1932

Starring: Joel McCrea

An adventurer on a South sea island marries a native girl and causes trouble.

Apart from the beginning and end, Joem McCrea is the only one speaking English. So you here a lot of quite possible made up foreign language and suitable south-sea, occasionally dramatic music. Having said that it was amusing enough, a sort of Tarzan who speaks the perfect Queen's English.      6/10

Sunday, March 02, 2014

Prisoner of war 1954

Starring: Ronald Reagan

Life in a communist prison camp in Korea

Not sure how factual this was or whether it was propaganda. What it was, even after 6o years, was hard-hitting. Some of the torture methods used were simply barbaric and whatever the circumstances, no human being should ever treat another like this. Interesting, thought-provoking and just made me a little angry.         6/10