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Sunday, February 23, 2014

The Odd couple 1968

Starring: Jack Lemmon

A fussy divorse-shocked newswriter moves in with his sloppy sportscaster friend, and they get on each other's nerves.

I'm not the greatest fan of Lemmon or Matthau or to that matter Neil Simon. So I wasn't expecting much from this movie. But being contrary, I found myself loving it. Some of the throwaway lines were hilarious and the two leads complemented each other perfectly. The four poker friends were great and you really felt they were all comfortable in each others company and had known each other for years. Finally, the Pigeon sisters were wonderful and utterly hilarious. This will teach me to pre-judge a movie!   8/10

Sunday, February 16, 2014

I'd climb the highest mountain 1951

Starring: Susan Hayward

A Methodist preacher and his wife face the problems of life in a remote part of North Georgia

Pleasant enough viewing with likeable characters. The problem was, they were all likeable, there wasn't really any light and shade and I felt the movie could have been a little more hard-hitting in places. It copped out rather as an ending and you never felt that you'd got a full-rounded story. Having said that, it was easy viewing.     5/10

Sunday, February 09, 2014

Odette 1950

Starring: Anna Neagle

A Frenchwoman with an English husband spies for the French resistance, is caught and tortured.

Well acted by Anna Neagle with an endearing performance also by Peter Ustinov. Occasionally, this movie hit the mark but I found the pace too slow and it lacked a required despiration and build up of tension.       4/10

Sunday, February 02, 2014

Golden earrings 1947

Starring: Ray Milland

A British intelligence officer is helped by a gypsy to sneak a poison gas formula out of Nazi Germany

A mixture of drama and comedy. Ray Milland is dashing and Marlene Dietrich  makes the most of her every moment on screen, she also has the most gorgeous pair of eyes I ever remember seeing. This is just a little bit different and forgetting the fact that the plot is slightly daft, I loved it!
My one criticism, starting the movie in the future removes the element of suspense as you know that Milland's character will come out alive.            8/10