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Sunday, December 29, 2013

The Beautiful blonde from Bashful Bend 1949

Starring: Betty Grable

A temperamental saloon entertainer accidentally shoots the sheriff and takes refuge as a schoolmistress.

The opening scene with a 3 year old learning to shoot was disturbing as could be. Once over that, the movie bombed along at a good pace but just tried way too hard to be funny. Most of the humour missed the mark although it was always watchable thanks to the delightful Betty Grable. The twin brothers gave a master class in over-acting that went way, way too far.      5/10 

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Paradise Hawaiian style 1965

Starring: Elvis Presley

An amorous airline pilot returns to Hawaii and sets up a helicopter service.

I'm a fan of Elvis films. This is not one of his best with a plot barely worth mentioning and all the songs lacking a little energy, but it's still easy viewing, pleasing on the eye and leaves you with a smile on your face.           5/10

Sunday, December 15, 2013

The Cheaters 1945

Starring: Joseph Schildkraut

A selfish and ostentatious family is reformed by the ministrations of a down-and-out actor

In the Christmas selection of an online movie site, it could be done under the trade descriptions act. Other than a lit Christmas tree, some carol singers and vague references to Scrooge, this didn't feel Christmassy at all. Very, very dull.           1/10

Sunday, December 08, 2013

Rose of Washington Square 1939

Starring: Alice Faye

Tribulations of a Broadway singer in love with a worthless husband.

The story is instantly forgettable to be the honest,  but the songs aren't bad and there's lots of them. The song and dance routine to the title number 'Rose of Washington square' is spectacular and the movie was worth seeing for this alone.       4/10

Sunday, December 01, 2013

Black angel 1946

Starring: Dan Duryea

A drunk sets out to find the murderer of his wife, and finds it was himself.

Thriller with strong lead performances that was made all the more memorable due to a neat twist in the last 15 minutes. Peter Lorre is his usual sinister self despite a woman he was threatening, towering over him.     7/10