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Sunday, February 24, 2013

Target Zero 1955

Starring: Richard Conte

An infantry patrol in Korea os cutt off behind enemy lines.

Standard behind the lines war drama, this time set in Korea. Peggy Castle is ridiculously good looking as the female nurse also caught in the situation but adds a little glamour. Always good to see Charles Bronson. Other than that, nothing original at all.          3/10

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Cast a dark shadow 1955

Starring: Dirk Bogarde

A wife-murderer marries an ex-barmaid and tries again.

You could tell that this came from a stage play where it's possibly better suited. I wasn't sure I would buy the clean cut looking Bogarde as a wife killer, but he certainly pulled the role off. Terrific support from all the other actors with Margaret Lockwood a delight and the lady playing Emmie put in a delightful performance. A nice little British thriller, the sort of which are way too thin on the ground.       7/10

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Woman on the run 1950

Starring: Ann Sheridan

A man runs away after witnessing a murder; his wife is menaced by the killer.

Started okay, but I wished this had been viewable in colour. Everyone looked alike, it was all so dark as much of it was set at night and the final scene at a fairground ended up grating on my nerves.     4/10

Sunday, February 03, 2013

Arch of triumph 1948

Starring: Ingrid Bergman

In postwar Paris, an embitterred refugee seeks his former Nazi tormentor and has a tragic romance with a would-be suicide.

Set just bwfore WW2, this was a real struggle. Single paced with softly spoken dialogue that was mostly extremely uninteresting. Thank goodness for Charles Laughton who was tragically under-used in the movie and yet lit up every scene he was in. Sad to say, I just didn't get on with this.    2/10