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Sunday, December 25, 2011

Scrooge 1935

Starring: Seymour Hicks

A miser reforms after ghosts haunt him on Christmas eve.

What better way to start Christmas morning? A version of scrooge that I hadn't seen. It doesn't bring much new to the table & Tiny Tim is a little too sprightly for me. But this is a timeless classic and it still made me feel good at the end.   7/10

Sunday, December 18, 2011

The Lost boys 1987

Starring: Jason Patric

Vampiric bikers corrupt Innocent teenagers.

At the risk of becoming hugely unpopular, I don't get this interest i vampires. Every new programme coming out seems to be vampire related & it's just, oh so boring. This was on the comedy channel & I'm thinking of doing them under trade descriptions as it never once made me smile, let alone laugh. I suppose that the amosphere was well depicted an I know there's a market for this, it just wasn't for me.      3/10

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Q planes 1939

Starring: Ralph Richardson

A secret ray helps spies to steal test aircraft during proving flights.

With Richardson & Olivier, how had I never heard of this movie? The acting was terrific as you would expect & the premise was way ahead of its time. Occasionally witty, the movie got bogged down with too much chat and not enough variation. The climax had some nice action and the ending also raised a smile.  An interesting movie to watch.       4/10

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Hard times 1975

Staring: Charles Bronson

In new Orleans in the depression-hit thirties, a prizefighter and a promoter help each other.

Of sll the sports, boxing/fighting is probably the one that you come across most in the movies. And to be fair, they're often very good. This was gritty but realistic. Nice depiction of the time although I'm not sure that the poverty was completely conveyed. Bronson & Coburn were both terrific and this was an extremely watchable movie.     8/10

Sunday, November 13, 2011

C Man 1949

Starring: Dean Jagger

Customs agents track down a murderer.

Slow paced and poorly acted B movie. When a crucial part of the blot occured early on in the movie, the orchestral underscore was sl loud that you couldn't hear the dialogue. A couple of the female actresses came out of this with credit, mostly the lead's secretary, but this is not a movie to go out of your way for.   3/10

Sunday, November 06, 2011

The Milky way 1936

Starring: Harold Lloyd

A milkman becomes a prizefighter and overcomes a gang of crooks.

Sure, there are many annoying scenes in this movie. But there were also a few moments that made me laugh out loud. Lloyd is at his best with the physical theatre and certainly cut a humorous figure as the bespectacled prize-fighter.      4/10

Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Man who shot Liberty valance 1962

Starring: James Stewart

A tenderfoot becomes a hero for shooting a bad man, but the shot was really fired by his friend and protector.

The second week running I've landed a James Stewart movie. Absolutely compelling from beginning to end. In my view, Stewart is possibly the greatest actor ever to have graced our screens and you find yourself routing for him throughout. This is one of Wayne's stronger performances and Lee Marvin is suitably rotten to the core. Brilliant sets and location, nearly every scene is a delight.     10/10

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Made for each other 1938

STARRING: James Stewart

Problems of a lawyer and his new wife culminate in the near-death of their infant son.

Gentle comedy that turns into light drama for its final third. A young married couple cope with inlaws, a difficult boss, poverty and then illness. A slightly dull plot is saved by the brilliant James Stewart with Carole Lombard, an admirable companion for him.     5/10

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Charlie Chan - Dangerous money 1946

I'm not sure how this series kept going for so long. Some of the early ones had charm. This was badly acted with an uninteresting lead and a hopeless lead performance.   3/10

Sunday, October 02, 2011

Inspector Hornleigh goes to iit 1940

Starring: Gordon Harker

Hornleigh and Binham track down a fifth columnist.

2 zany Scotland yard detectives catch the bad guy by luck and the odd nice move. Reasonably amusing with Harker & Alistair Sim both superb.    6/10

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Quatermass ii 1957

Starring: Brian Donlevy

A research station operating under military secrecy is supposed to be making synthetic foods, but is in fact an acclimatization centre for invaders from outer space.

Sci-fi, slight horror B-movie, Acting isn't up to much and sets are a bit wobbly. But keep going until the end as the last 10 minutes are positively hilarious.      6/10

Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Onion field 1979

Starring: John Savage

Two policeman are shot by a manic killer, and the one who survives finds that he is suspected of cowardice and has to resign from the force.

There's something about true stories that let you buy into what you're seeing on screen. This is a harrowing and yet captivating, tragic story. James Woods is truely terrifying as the psychotic killer. I went straight on to read more about this case. Beautifully put together.       9/10

Sunday, September 04, 2011

The Town went wild 1945

Starring: Freddie Bartholomew

Feuding next door neighbours have children in love.

A surprising little gem. Although some of the parents feuding got on your nerves, the other characters helped soften the movie and were very likeable. A pacy plot, humourous moments when the children have to move next door after finding out they they were swapped at birth and a well thought out & satisfactory ending. This actually made me laugh out loud and was good fun.       8/10

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Hotel reserve 1944

Starring: James Mason

An Austrian refugee in the south of France is asked by the police to track down a spy among his fellow hotel guests.

A reasonably enjoyable "Who is the spy" drama. The best part is early on when you're trying to identify the spy yourself. Short enough to be quite enjoyable.     6/10

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Bluebeard's eighth wife 1938

Starring: Claudette Colbert

The daughter of an impoverished French aristocrat marries for money a millionaire who has had seven previous wives, and determines to teach him a lesson.

Unsurprisingly, rather dated as a comedy. Some humorous moments and a strong start as the two stars quibble over buying pajamas. Colbert is a delight as ever but Gary Cooper seems miscast and misses many comic opportunities by charging through his lines. A young David Niven gives a nice supporting performance.       5/10

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Lone star 1952

Starring: Clark Gable

Andrew Jackson enlists the aid of a Texas adventurer to persuade Sam Houston to change his mind about an agreement with Mexico.

A mixture of politics and action. A bit of a history lesson really although fairly hard to follow as a European. Quite good action & stars give reliable performances.    4/10

Sunday, August 07, 2011

Carry on Dick 1974

Pantomime humour, sexual innuendo, jokes you could see coming a mile away, scantily clad women. Absolutely marvelous! A classic Carry on movie with all the usual humour & a large dose of familiar Carry on actors.        7/10

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Patterns 1956

Starring: Van Hefflin

The tough boss of a New York corporation forces a showdown between a young executive and the older ineffectual man who he hopes will resign.

Certainly not a movie I'd heard of before watching. An unexpected gem with  tremendously passionate acting and a scenario that is still relevant today. Well observed and some of the secretary's were almost as imposing as the business men.      7/10

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Gunga Din 1939

Starring: Cary Grant

Three cheerful army veterans meet adventure on the North-West frontier.

All a little tiresome with too many frantic scenes and unnecessary shouting. Maybe Gunga Din could have been saved if the army had spent less time blowing bagpipes and singing and had actually hurried to the battle scene. Cary Grant although a brilliant actor, was mis-cast for me. A great film if you like fist fights and people falling off buildings.      3/10

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Love in the afternoon 1957

Starring: Audrey Hepburn

The daughter of a private detective warns an American philanderer in Paris that an enraged husband is en route to shoot him.

Charming little love story that is unfortunately about 30 minutes too long. I wasn't sure if Audrey Hepburn was trying to do a French accent or not. She was so damn cute, I ended up not caring. The Gypsy quartet musicians were hilarious and the scene where they got drunk was a joy. Quite charming all round.     7/10

Sunday, July 03, 2011

Adventure island 1947

Starring: Rory Calhoun

Seafarers chance on an uncharted island, ruled by a deadly fanatic.

All a bit rubbish really. The characters were not at all believable and the action hardly set the pulse racing. Thanks goodness for the supposed God on the island. He made an amusing villain & the movie was saved somewhat by the whole island section at the end. I've seen worse but still instantly forgettable.      3/10

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Tightrope 1984

Starring: Clint Eastwood

A New Orleans detective investigating a series of sex murders finds that his own impulses are none too healthy.

Serial killer, crime movie with Eastwood once again playing the strong, silent type. The plot moves along at a good pace. There's a line about 30 mins in that says something like "Everyone has a dark side, some keep it under control whilst others explore it". Eastwood's dark side is brilliantly portrayed, as is his tender side in the scens with his kids. Not overly original, but always kepy my attention.       8/10

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Crack in the World 1965

Starring:  Dana Andrews

A dying scientist fires a missile into the earth's centre, and nearly blows the planet apart.

Ah, you can't beat a good disaster movie. The plot was a little daft, the acting was a little poor, but the special effects and the daftness of the whole thing made it an enjoyable romp. There's always an underlying moral message. Don't mess with nuclear explosions.    7/10

Sunday, June 12, 2011

The Pawnbroker 1965

Starring: Rod Steiger

A Jew in slummy New York is haunted by his experiences in Nazi prison camps.

Incredibly down-beat and hard to watch. I spent a long time early in this movie wondering what the hell it was all about. Slowly, the connection with concentration camps comes out but I wish the links between the two parts of his life had been explored more closely. Harrowing & well acted, but so dreary that it's hard to find where the interest or entertainment is in watching such a piece.             2/10

Sunday, June 05, 2011

Hell's highway 1932

Starring:  Richard Dix

A convict plans escape from a forced labour gang, under the threat of the lash and the sweatbox.

Somewhat dated movie now about the life of over-worked chain gangs in a US prison. Some of the sweat & anguish is rather well done and the rounding up of escaped convicts is also worth seeing. A satisfactory plot & ending. The whole thing is just difficult to relate to in this day & age.    4/10

Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Big easy 1986

Starring: Dennis Quaid

A New Orleans homicide detective is persuaded by a lady investigator from the DA's office to look into irregularities in the department.

Routine police corruption thriller but with a nice mixture of action & humour. Dennis Quaid draws up an interesting character & although I never believed Ellen Barkin as a deputy DA, her chemistry with Quaid kept the whole thing watchable and interesting. Ned Beatty was superb as the police captain and came very close to stealing the whole movie.   7/10

Sunday, May 15, 2011

A tale of two cities 1958

Starring: Dirk Bogarde

Modest but still costly remake with good moments but a rather slow pace.

Very well made with a good fell & look. Dickens always penned great characters and that was the best thing about this. Just a little dull in pace and plot with little to get excited or enthralled with.     4/10

Sunday, May 08, 2011

Sherlock Homes and the spider woman 1944

Starring: Basil Rathbone

A female Moriarty kills her victims with spiders so that she can collect on their insurance policies.

When of the better of the Holmes movies. Rathbone gets several opportunities to don a disguise & do a bit of acting. Watson was at his bumbling best particularly when he mistook a spider expert for Holmes in disguise. Quite good fun.     7/10

Sunday, May 01, 2011

The Man who changed his mind 1936

Starring: Boris Karloff

A scientist dabbles in braiin transplants.

Boris (One trick pony) Karloff plays a mad scientist who swaps peoples thoughts & personalities between bodies. This is all rather good fun and the plot zips along. The swapping of the 2 chimpanzee minds was amusing and the swapping of human minds all rather effective and well acted. Touches of good humour and a nice ending - This was all a lot more enjoyable than expected.          8/10

Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Big knife 1955

Starring: Jack Palance

A depressed Hollywood star who wants better things for himself is blackmailed into signing a new contract.

Occasionally interesting but the subject matter is just not riveting. Most of the actions takes place in a Hollywood home and that leaves a certain tedium to affairs. Everyone acts their heart out & Palance, Ida Lupino & Shelley Winters are not bad. Unfortunately, Rod Steiger comes in like a freight train, goes way over the top and I just didn't find him believable at all. Too long a movie for little reward.    3/10

Sunday, April 10, 2011

City that never sleeps 1953

Starring: Gig Young

The work of the Chicago police force during one night.

I understand the idea, but maybe it would have been better focusing on one story. If that many people get shot in one night, I'm amazed there's anyone ever left in Chicago. Still, the mechanical man in the window was good & the film had some entertaining moments.    4/10

Sunday, April 03, 2011

Dr Kildare's Strange case 1940

Starring: Lew Ayres

The young doctor cures a mental patient by the newest methods.

One of a series of Kildare movies made. A bit soap opera like with doctor/nurse relationships, but the story isn't bad & Lionel Barrymore is superb as the wheelchair bound Dr Gilliespie.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sinners in paradise 1938

Starring: Madge Evans

Air travellers are wrecked on a South sea island.

Not brilliant but also not bad. The air crash for its time was quite effective. The whole thing was a little single paced although valiant attempts were made at characterisation and humour. More watchable than I anticipated.       6/10

Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Dam Busters 1954

Starring: Michael Redgrave

In 1943 the Ruhr dams are destroyed by Dr Barnes Wallis' bouncing bombs.

Everyone knows the story and has seen clips. But this is historically fascinating, Michael Redgrave is utterly convincing nd the bombing sequences are brilliantly done. A nabsolute classic.    10/10

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Laura 1944

Starring: Gene Tierney

A beautiful girl is murdered....or is she? A cynical detective investigates.

A little tedious for the first 20 minues, but once it became clear that the murder victim wasn't who you thought, the whole thing improved considerably & became more interesting. Clifton Webb was superb as the objectional 'Waldo'. A neat thriller that kept you guessing until about 10 minutes from the end.      7/10

Sunday, March 06, 2011

The Ghost ship 1943

Starring: Richard Dix

The captain of a merchant ship is driven mad by isolation.

Strange goings on all lead back to the captain of a ship who's gone mad. Very dated and filmed with extremely poor lighting. The movie lacks pace, only occasionally bursting into action. The final knife fight is filmed almost in total darkness.       3/10

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Indiscreet 1931

Starring: Gloria Swanson

A socialite endangers her own romance when she tries to protect her younger sister.

Improved hugely as it went on & thankfully most of the songs had been cut from this copy. Girl chucks boy, gets engaged to other man. Her sister falls for first boy & girl pretends she loves him again to protect her sister. Very amusing where Swanson pretends to be mad & the scene on the boat at the end gave this a most satisfactory ending. Dated but good fun.     5/10

Sunday, February 06, 2011

Lured 1947

Starring: Lucille Ball

An American dancer stranded in London helps Scotland yard catch a killer.

Excellent crime thriller with plenty of suspects and red herrings. Lucille Ball plays it straight although her comic genius clearly lingers just below the surface. I liked the detective who kept stumbling across his crossword answers. Nicely put together & well acted movie.      8/10

Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Heartbreak kid 1972

Starring: Charles Grodin

Disappointed with his honeymoon, a sporting goods salesman promptly sets his cap at a richer, prettier perspective spouse.

I've always liked Charles Grodin & it was only halfway through this movie that I suddenly realised how similar the voice & delivery are by current actor Owen Wilson. You have to feel sorry for Grodin's wife in this movie. Some of the scenes are cringeworthy but I was hooked & it seemed to b over in no time. Cybil Shepherd was perfectly cast as the new love interest & her father was a delight.    8/10

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Kangaroo 1952

Starring: Maureen O'Hara

In old Australi, a con man pretends to be a rancher's long lost heir, then complicates things by falling in love with the rancher's daughter.

The only reason this seems to be titled Kangaroo is because it is set in Australia, although a few marsupials were shown hopping around in the middle of the movie. A bit like a western but cannot be called a western. The desperation due to the drought was well portrayed & the plot moved along nicely enough. I would have liked an extra 10 minutes at the beginning building the characters. Not bad though.      5/10

Sunday, January 09, 2011

In which we serve 1942

Starring: Noel Coward

Survivors from a torpedoed destroyer recall their life at sea and on leave.

War film used to rally the troops. Interesting now only for historical purposes.      2/10

Sunday, January 02, 2011

Summer magic 1963

Starring: Hayley Mills

Children help their widowed mother in 1912 Boston.

Charming story with very little plot other than a family taking over a yellow house in the country without the landlord's permission.  Typical Disney full of colour, bright songs, attractive actors and slightly daft humour. All in all, a very easy on the eye movie.    7/10