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Sunday, December 26, 2010

The Love bug 1968

Starring: David Tomlinson

An unsuccessful racing driver finds that his small private Volkswagen has a mind of its own.

I'm sure most people saw this as a kid & I was no exception. However, great to see it again. It never made me laugh out loud but it did engage with me & I had a steady smile on my face. Ends up a bit like an episode of Wacky races but good fun with nasty David Tomlinson stealing the show.    7/10

Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Sheepman 1958

Starring: Glenn Ford

A tough sheep farmer determines tp settle in a cattle town.

Westerns came at ten a penny & you need an outstanding feature for them to remain memorable. This one had it. Firstly, there were sheep at the centre of attention rather than cattle & secondly, the scxript is marvelous. Well paced & witty, the plot rolls along, Glenn Ford is cast perfectly & Shirley Maclaine is delightful. Some neat character portrayals from supporting actors round it off nicely.    8/10

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Car of dreams 1935

Starring:  John Mills

A rich man's son buys a car for one of his father's factory girls.

Charming little dipsy comedy. It's all in the comic timing & John Mills is a delight. Vera is played by a German lady, a decision I didn't quite understand but she was very good. Catchy little occasional songs helped the movie along. A little gem.   9/10