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Sunday, December 30, 2007

The Go-Between 1970

Starring: Julie Christie

Staying at a stately home around the turn of the century, 12 year old Leo carries love letters from a farmer to his friend's sister.

Slow moving piece which focuses on illicit meetings and a 12 year old boy learning about the birds and the bees. et with a typical English summer set with croquet & cricket on the lawns, you keep expecting this film to explode into action and it never quite happens. 5/10

Sunday, December 23, 2007

The Green glove 1952

Starring: Glen Ford

A paratrooper against all odds returns a jewelled relic to its proper place in a French church.

A slightly confusing thriller with too many coincidences of people bumping into folk they'd seen the day before in a major city. It does have some good moments and some unexpected light comedy scenes that help the movie along. Worth a viewing. 4/10

Sunday, December 16, 2007

The Bigamist 1953

Starring: Edmond O'Brien

A travelling salesman has two wives.

Pretty much what it says on the tin. The action is too single paced in both acting, speech & direction. The lead man seemed so dull, I wasn't sure how one woman would want to marry him, let alone two. Due to the title of the film & the fact that it was spelt out within about 10 minutes that this man was a bigamist, the film lacked tension. Having said that, there was something watchable about this film. 5/10

Sunday, December 09, 2007

The Millionairess 1960

Starring: Peter Sellers

The richest woman in the World falls for a poor Indian doctor.

Every now & then, there is a delightful comedy moment, mostly from Sellers and many I suspect were ad-libs. Sophia Loren has her moments but I never bought her as the richest woman in the World. Considering this movie only lasts 90 mins, it dragged considerably. A bit of a disappointment. 3/10

Sunday, December 02, 2007

The Silent enemy 1958

Starring: Laurence Harvey

The World war 2 exploits of a naval frogman in the Mediterranean.

Overlong wartime drama set in Gibraltar. Some of the exchanges between Crabb & the Admiral were enjoyable as was some lighthearted banter. Overall, the crucial drama was rather underplayed meaning that the film rather drifted along to an inevitable conclusion. Difficult to take Sid James seriously, even in this straight role. 5/10

Sunday, November 25, 2007

The Children's hour 1961

Staring: Audrey Hepburn

A spoilt schoolgirl spreads a rumour that her schoolmistresses are lesbians.

Was Audrey Hepburn the greatest actress ever? The scenes between herself & Shirley Maclaine positively sizzle. Magnificent chemistry in a movie which in its time, was surely controversial. Several scenes are so well played, that you can cut the tension with a knife, you can feel what every character is going through and you just cannot take your eyes off the screen. Tasteful & yet moving throughout. I was utterly gripped. 10/10

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Another 48 hours

Starring: Eddie Murphy

A cop enters into a partnership with a criminal to catch a drug dealer.

Yet another sequel that's not a patch on the original. A couple of reasonable scenes, othr than that, murder, violence, swearing, shouting & unpleasentness of the crudest kind.
A movie made for all the wrong reasons. 4/10

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Paint your wagon 1969

Staring: Lee Marvin

During the California gold rush, two prospectors set up a Mormon menage with the same wife.

Bigamy, gold prospecting and the construction & destruction of a town. As musicals go, this is no classic, but this is all about Lee Marvin. A magnificent, colourful, underated 'Tour de force' 5/10

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Things to come 1936

Starring: Raymond Massey

War in 1940 followed by plague, rebellion, a new glass-based society, and the first rocketship to the moon.

Interesting to see H G Wells vission of the future. It's easy to scorn 70 years on. The Wandering sickness was my personal favourite. Too much slow action set to music for my liking. Wells predictions were the focus on the film that never really found a viable plot. 3/10

Sunday, October 07, 2007

That Hamilton woman 1941

Starring: Vivien Leigh

The affair of Lord Nelson and Emma Hamilton

Wordy tale of the love triangle, well actually love rectangle between William Hamilton, Lady Hamilton, Lord Nelson & Lady Nelson. Great performances by actors from the very top of the pile. The story was just a little uninteresting in this version, possibly because we all knew how it would end. Interesting however to see Nelson portrayed with a weakness. 5/10

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Murphy's war 1971

Staring: Peter O'Toole

A torpedoed British merchantman in Venezuala devotes himself to bombing a U-boat from a home-made plane.

A boys own war adventure. O'Toole is his usual madcap self although it works in this movie. Sian Phillips counterbalances him in an underused straight role. The movie manages to hit a correct balance of humour, tension & action. If nothing else, I learnt just how big a torpedo is. Great fun! 8/10

Sunday, September 23, 2007

The Boston strangler 1968

Starring: Tony Curtis

A semi-factual account of the sex maniac who terrified Boston in the mid-Sixties.

At first the occasional split-screen scenes and weird angle shots were distracting, but they grew on my a little. The movie plays in two parts. Firstly, a kind of whoddunit as the murders are carried out. Secondly, the investigation/interrogation. Curtis did a good job as the murderer. The film was at times compelling & moving in some ways. 6/10

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Tiger bay 1959

Staring: Hayley Mills

A Polish seaman in Cardiff kills his faithless girl friend and kidnaps a child who proves more than a match for him.

Engaging, well paced thriller with well developed characters. John Mills is profficient if unspectacular. Buckholz is a little too likeable for a murderer but Hayley Mills is superb as the central character. She was surely one of the most consistent child actors.
Nice movie with an exciting conclusion. 7/10

Sunday, August 19, 2007

School for scoundrels 1960

Staring: Ian Carmichael

A failure reports to the college of one-upmanship and his life is tranformed.

Not pleasant to watch at first with smarmy characters constantly hitting on the unfortunate Carmichael. Movie improves and becomes more humorous as Carmichael puts his lessons learnt into practice. If I'd heard the expression "Hard cheese" once more, I think I will have screamed.
Nice idea, but never really takes off. 5/10

Sunday, August 05, 2007

The Left handed gun 1958

Starring: Paul Newman

Billy the kid sets out to shoot four men who have killed his friend.

Newman plays Billy the kid as an illiterate, vaguely psychotic individual grieving the one man who 'gave him a chance'.

There was a good contrast between the obsessed Kid & Pat Garrett. Billy the kid was portrayed as a very sad & lonely figure.

There have been many portrayals of Billy the Kid, this has to be near the top of the list. 8/10

Sunday, July 22, 2007

The Howling 1980

Starring: Dee Wallace

A lady newscaster discovers that the medical retreat at which she stays to recover from a nervous breakdown is likely to give her another.

Crude werewolf story that jumps rather from scene to scene. This took a while to get to the main drama. Once it did, the special effects were impressive, but the horror was all a bit predictible.

A bit dull really. 4/10

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Captain Horatio Hornblower RN 1951

Starring: Gregory Peck

Events from the adventure novels about a 19th-Century sailor who outwits the Spaniards and the French and marries his admiral's widow.

Schoolboy type seafaring adventures about this famous captain. Well shot in nice tongue in cheek style. Interesting to see James Robertson Justice actually acting a part rather than just barking out lines. A movie that was very easy on the eye. 8/10

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Flying deuces 1939

Starring: Laurel & Hardy

Laurel & Hardy join the foreign legion

Laurel & Hardy were the masters of farce. So why are their movies never as funny as their 20 minute shorts? This movie has the occassional moment, but the funny scenes are too far apart and the movie was just a little too pedestrian.
This made me smile, rather than laugh. I'll stick with the shorts I think. 5/10

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Rain 1932

Starring: Joan Crawford

Stranded passengers in Pago Pago during an epidemic include a prostitute and a missionary who lusts after her.

An early version of the Sadie Thompson story. The clash of constant dialogue, lack of movement & incessent rain grates on the nerves somewhat.Now very dated & not particularly interesting. 2/10

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Play Dirty 1969

Staring: Michael Caine

During World War 2, a squad of ex-criminals is given the job of destroying an enemy oil depot in North Africa.

A desert war movie with shades of Kelly's heroes. Caine is not too bad in a role where thankfully, he doesn't shout too much. One question, wht does he wear eye liner throughout this film? Overall, the movie lacked pace and didn't really build the tension. Worth watching for the ending, an absolute classic. 6/10

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Sugarland express 1974

Staring: Goldie Hawn

A convict's wife persuades him to escape because their baby is being adopted, and they inadvertantly leave behind them a trail of destruction, ending in tragedy.

An early Steven Speilberg movie based on a true story. Beautifully made showing the class of the director, this is a fugitive, road movie. Nice to see Goldie Hawn not playing a dipsy air-head. Shades of the Blues Brothers with some of the car chases & crashes. Well crafted script ensuring you truely care for the characters. 6/10

Sunday, June 03, 2007

The Undefeated 1969

Staring: John Wayne

After the civil war, two colonels from opposite sides meet on the Rio Grande.

John Wayne would have been 100 this year. I've never been a fan but took in this movie as my tribute. He's actually used sparingly and works really well in conjunction with Rock Hudson. It's a sweeping, locational saga with a great look & great soundtrack. It has a nice mixture of plot, action & humour and the fct that it's so charatcer driven makes the whole thing more memorable. I really liked it and to me, this was a mature Wayne and one of his best performances. 7/10

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Imitation of life 1959

Starring: Lana Turner

Glossy remake of an actress whose black maid has a tragic life because her daughter posses for white.

A melodramatic Hollywood saga. Brilliant acting by all the cast, but particularly Juanita Moore make this a compelling piece. The ageing process is realistically portrayed & you really feel a sense of time passing. The race issue is sensitively handled and makes you ashamed to be human. An epic movie, at the end, if you think back to the opening scene on the beach, it seems a lifetime away. 9/10

Sunday, May 20, 2007

The Romantic Englishwoman 1975

Starring: Michael Caine

A discontented woman, holidaying at Baden Baden, falls in love with a stranger while her husband completes a novel on the same theme.

This is a movie that simmers beautifully under the surface, Berger & Jackson are spot on, unfortunately, Caine ruins many of his scenes by shattering the tension with his shouting in an annoying voice. Probably, better for a play rather than a movie. 5/10

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Please Sir 1971

Starring: John Alderton

The masters and pupils of Fenn Street school go on an annual camp.

Dated, politically incorrect big screen version of this TV show. All the pupils look about 30 years old. Alderton & Derek Guyler have terrific comedy timing and it is worth watching for that. Generally uninspiring but did have some laugh out loud moments. 5/10

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Meet me in St Louis 1944

Starring: Judy Garland

Scenes in the life of an affectionate family at the turn of the century.

This movie is full of amusing, likeable characters and catchy songs. You genuinely feel that all the people like each other. Occassionally, it went off the rails, usually with the sweet youngest sister. But nice comic timing and a harmlessl, likeable script made this an enjoyable watch.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

The River 1951

Episodes in the life of a small English community living on the banks of the Ganges.

An old fashioned tale from a time that seems a Million years away from our modern World.This is moralistic teachings and adolescent stories of first love with three young ladies all falling for the same one legged man. There's a lot of narration which at times seems rather intrusive and the acting is frankly no better than average. There are however, fabulous unmanipulated shots of the Ganges and everyday life that takes place on and around that great river. No classic, but interesting due to its unique difference. 4/10

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Le Beau Mariage 1981

Staring: Beatrice Ronand

An art student abandons her many affairs and announces her intention of getting married, but her intended proves reluctant...

A subtitled film although this didn't detract at all. Sabine is a particularly annoying character who borders on being a stalker, I wouldn't want to be with her in a locked room. The film is very natural in its style, delivery and setting, does it always rain in Le Mans? Some annoying characters but a quietly compelling story. 7/10

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Danger within 1958

Starring: Richard Todd

Escape plans of officers in a prisoner-of-war camp are threatened by an informer.

I always enjoy a good escape drama and this is right up there with the best. Unusually set in an Italian POW camp, this is well paced with a nicely though out plot. A couple of slight niggles. I though the informant was revelaed too early and I never felt that this mans motivation was explained. Minor quibbles in a great movie. 10/10

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Some like it hot 1959

Starring: Jack Lemmon

Two unemployed musicians accidentally witness the st Valentine's day masacre and flee to Miami disguised as girl musicians.

I'd seen loads of clips before but never the whole movie. It is perfectly cast, Lemmon & Curtis have great comic timing and some hilarious one liners to deliver. Monroe was as good as I ever saw her and sings some great numbers. It's often referred to as the greatest comedy of all time, I wouldn't give it that accoldae but it is still a classic well worth seeing. 7/10

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Corridors of blood 1958

Starring: Boris Karloff

Seeking to discover anaesthetics, a Victorian doctor falls prey to a resurrection man.

This movie is on the edge of horror but just resists from moving into that genre. The fact that it remains more plot ridden certainly increases the interest. There are nicely created seedy London locations, the whole piece is very well costumed and there are some decidedly unlikeable & dispicable characters. One of the more watchable of Karloff's movies. 6/10

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Spaceballs 1987

Starring: Mel Brooks

A ruthless race is out to steal the air supply from the planet Druidia.

You know what you're going to get with a Mel Brooks film. If you throw in as many jokes as he does, some are bound to hit the mark. This grew on me enormously and was played in exactly the right spirit. It never for one minute pretended to be anything other than a spoof and with it not being over long, got it just about right. 7/10

Sunday, March 04, 2007

The Pirate 1948

Starring: Gene Kelly

In a West Indian port, a girl imagines that a wandering player is a famous pirate, who in fact is her despised and elderly suitor.

Gene Kelly & Judy Garland, on paper, what a combination! But I'm afraaid I just never bought into this, there's no chemistry between the two stars and infact I found Kelly's character really annoying. A couple of good songs but very little else to impress me. 4/10

Sunday, February 25, 2007

The Vicious circle 1957

Starring: John Mills

An actress is found dead in Dr Latimer's flat and the weapon turns up in the boot of his car.....

An entertaining plot driven murder mystery filled with plenty of twists & turns. The story is so entertaining that you don't really notice the acting. An amusing little yarn that keeps you guessing all the way through. 8/10

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Arabesque 1966

Starring: Gregory Peck

An Oxford professor is asked by middle Eastern oil magnates to decipher a hieroglyphic, and finds afterwards that he is marked for assassination.

This is like a long episode of the Avengers. Extraordinary, excessive use of camera shots using reflection & unnecessary, moody lighting. Gregory Peck is not at his best & Sophia Loren....looks nice. This was so bad that it almost became good. 4/10

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Retreat hell 1952

Starring: Frank Lovejoy

Adventures of a marine unit in the Korean war.

A standard war film, but one which focuses on the Marines feelings & insecurities as well as the action. For this to work, you have to care about the characters. The Commander grows on you & the captain comes through, but the undoubted star is the young McDermott who gives a lovely nieve performance. There's lots of action & explosion and although it's a bit dated and cheesily patriotic at the end, it's not at all bad. 6/10

Sunday, February 04, 2007

The Slipper and the rose 1976

Starring: Richard Chamberlain

The story of Cinderella

I love pantomime! This is the story of Cinderella portrayed on the big screen. It's lavish, colourful with good song & dance. It amused me as well with Michael Hordern and Annette Crosbie my pick of the actors. This was my kind of movie and I loved it. 9/10

Sunday, January 28, 2007

High hopes 1988

Starring: Philip Davis

A family of contrasting types gather to celebrate their mothers birthday.

This movie is all about charachterisation. It's a quirky look at a family, their friends and neighbours in London and is actually really sad in places but also has some touching moments. Edna Dore as the mother who's just letting life go on around her is wonderful as is her daughter in law Shirley. The stray traveller from Bagshot and the snooty neighbours are too over the top and just didn't come across as at all realistic. Never gets too far as amovie but when it is downplayed, it's brilliant. 6/10

Sunday, January 21, 2007

The Misfits 1961

Starring: Marilyn Monroe

Cowboys gather in the Nevada desert to rope wild mustangs, and a divorcee becomes involved with one of them.

This movie will always be remembered as the last made by both Monroe & Clark Gable who both died shortly after its completion. Monroe fittingly plays a completely screwed up girl whilst Gable, well, he's the same as always. The scenes with the mustangs are very effective and slightly disturbing whilst Thelma Ritter livens up the early moments. It's fascinating to watch for its notoriety, otherwise it's a unmemorable rather sad melodrama. 6/10

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Pygmalian 1938

Starring: Leslie Howard

A Professor of phonetics takes a bet that he can turn a cockney flower seller in six months into a lady who can pass as a duchess.

A nice adaptation of a classic tale. The Covent garden scenes although clearly shot on a set, are wonderful. Leslie Howard is utterly disagreable as Higgins whilst Wendy Hiller is superb as Eliza Doolittle. This part must be difficult enough to play, but she not only changes the way she talks, she also changed the way she walked, looked and even thought. Hiller was so impressive that the movie lost pace every time she was off screen. 7/10

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Cattle empire 1958

Starring: Joel McCrea

A trail boss out of prison gets a new assignment and signs up helpers who had previously made life difficult for him.

An enemy of the town is 2 horse drags away from death until saved by an unlikely source, he is then hired to lead a cattle drive which will save the town from financial ruin. During this drive, the true events of the past come to light. A watchable yarn which has some truely dodgy acting with the exception of McCrea. Lots of continuity errors, my favourite being when a blind man is told that the stars are out when all you can see is thick cloud cover. An instantly forgetable but harmless movie. 5/10