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Sunday, July 16, 2006

Metropolis 1926

In the year 2000, the workers in a modernistic city live underground and unrest is quelled by the persuassion of a saintly girl, Maria; but a mad inventor creates an evil Maria to incite them to revolt.

A silent film that is particularly long for its genre. It's actually very dated and hard work to watch. It is however, hugely impressive for its time. I think I'll put it down as an interesting piece of history and leave it at that.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Journey to the center of the Earth 1959

Starring: Pat Boone

An Edinburgh professor and assorted colleagues follow an explorer's trail down an extinct Icelandic volcano to the earth's centre.

This is not my favourite of Verne's work. It's a slightly odd version with comic undertones and the occasional musical number. It could be considered as a bit of a forerunner to Indianna Jones with disasters at every turn, canabalistic dinosaurs and big rolling stones. It lacked a bit of pace but is a harmless enough yarn.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

The Day the Earth stood still 1951

A flying saucer arrives in Washington and its alien occupant, aided by a robot, demonstrates his intellectual and physical power, warns the World what will happen if wars continue and departs.

Slightly dated but fast paced thriller which gets to the action right from the first frame. Hollywood belief that any UFO will land in the US capital aside, this was an intriguing concept with interesting observations of Human behaviour. This was actually way ahead of its time. If only humanity would listen to alien 'Mr Carpenters' closing message. 9/10